Why did I make this website?

Today marks the first day of Magician U.  I have always wanted to find a way to give back to the magic community.  I grew up in a family of magic, was surrounded by fellow magicians at magic clubs, competed in contests globally and have toured the world professionally for more that three decades.  It’s time I said thanks.

Thank you!

To everyone who ever took the time to answer a question, show me a trick, teach me to promote myself, helped me to grow into the person I am today.  Most of the names would be unknown to you, but to me they were heroes.  Their influence will forever be embedded in my DNA and I feel its time I share what I have learned and to open a path for others like myself to give as well.

I start this project knowing full well it will not live forever, but for the time it does I hope it will help others to become better magicians and advance our art.

Let’s get started.

Shawn Farquhar


3 Replies to “Why did I make this website?”

  1. Awesome Idea Shawn. I’m with you. You Tube can be a great teacher, but not always for the right things.

    Good luck, be well.

    Dale Hopkins
    B.A., B.Ed.

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